B4I Service hero

Test before Invest

We support manufacturing companies in making decisions about investments in new technologies, equipment or processes. This service is designed to minimise the risks associated with investment and increase the likelihood of new project success.

Key benefit of the Brain4Industry consortium

The main objective of the ‘test before invest’ service is to provide manufacturing companies with the opportunity to thoroughly test and validate new technologies or innovations prior to their full deployment. This allows companies to gain important information about the performance, reliability and efficiency of new technologies and identify any potential shortcomings or problems before they decide to make a major investment.

Interested in testing your innovation on our machines? Contact us

Jakub Krupa

Jakub Krupa

Sales Manager

Take the opportunity to test your intentions in practice, to test the efficiency and reliability of machines before you invest in them. We will be happy to test the selected technologies in our premises and recommend the most suitable solution.

Get a free initial analysis and find out how ready your company is for digitalisation.

Free digital audit