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Grant consultancy

Grant consultancy is not just about getting funds – it’s a guide to the world of grants and financial aid that will enable you to deliver digital transformation whatever your financial resources. This service will help you identify suitable grant programmes, prepare quality applications and manage your funding effectively.

Navigating funding sources

With expert grant consultants, you will get a comprehensive view of the financial side of your digital projects. The consultant will help you to create an effective financial plan to optimize the allocation of resources. The way of combining different funding sources – grants, loans, and your own investments – will be presented to achieve optimum effectiveness. It will help analyse risks associated with funding and ensure that projects are implemented according to plans. Consultancy also includes administrative support, from document preparation to monitoring the financial flow of the project.

How the collaboration works

  1. The consortium consultant will go over the plan with the customer: what activities they want to finance and when, how far along the project is with the preparation, how the timetable is set, what the other project sources for co-financing are, etc.
  2. The grant specialist analyses the grant options: Assesses the project in detail against the chosen grant option and estimates the chances of obtaining a grant.
  3. The client will be presented with a recommendation for the next steps, timeline, and costs.
  4. Consultancy in the application process: recommendation, feedback or assistance in the selection and setup of the collaboration with the grant consultant.

Would you like to find out more? Contact us

Petr Pačes

Petr Pačes

Digital Innovation Manager

Petr Pačes is a member of the Central Bohemian Innovation Centre (SIC) team. He worked as a technical and financial director in IT companies, where he was involved in everything from project management, technology integration and finance management to business process restructuring and internal management. As a result, he is able to recognize the real needs of companies, identify weak points and recommend the right solutions.

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